Barry University Supporting Graduation of Undergraduate STEM Majors Through Scholarships, Mentoring, and Activities That Develop Students’ Academic and Scientific Identity NSF DUE# 1930076 |
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Collaborative Research – Enabling Transfer Student Access to Engineering NSF DUE#1834128 |
Central Connecticut State University Scholarships, Mentoring, and Career Development to Support Attainment of Software Engineering Graduate Degrees NSF DUE#2029287 |
College of Lake County – Grayslake Campus Building an Academic Community of Engineering Scholars to Increase Persistence and Transfer into Four-year Engineering and Computer Science Degree Programs NSF DUE#1929983 |
Fordham University Achievement in STEM through a Program of Immersive Research Experiences and Support NSF DUE# 1833931 |
Grand Valley State University |
Moreno Valley College Improving Degree Completion and Transfer Rates in Computer Science Through Direct Student Supports and Scholarships NSF DUE#2130447 |
Penn State Berks Leveraging Innovation and Optimizing Nurturing in STEM: The LION STEM Scholars Program NSF DUE#2130022 |
The Pennsylvania State University Strengthening Pathways for the Domestic Graduate Engineering Workforce and Future Professoriate: Increasing Access to Engineering Master’s Programs NSF DUE#2130169 |
Savannah State University Supporting Undergraduate STEM Degree Completion Through a Learning Community/Cohort Model that Develops Belonging, Mindset, and Purpose NSF DUE#1930371 |
Tennessee State University Scholarships to Support Undergraduate Student Success and Broaden Participation in Engineering and Computer Science NSF DUE#2029907 |
Texas A&M University – San Antonio Creating Educational Pathways and Cultivating Leadership at a Hispanic-Serving Regional University to Prepare Undergraduates for STEM Careers in Water Science and Technology Fields NSF DUE#2031497 |
University of Detroit Mercy |
University of Louisiana, Lafayette Financial Support, Mentoring, and Career Development for Scholars in Energy Technologies NSF DUE#2030574 |
University of Louisville |
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention: Energizing and Supporting Students with Diverse Backgrounds in Mechanical Engineering NSF DUE#1742170 |
University of Missouri IUSE Engaged Student Learning Exploration Project: Understanding the Development of Metacognitive Skills in a Problem-based Learning Undergraduate Engineering Program |
University of North Carolina, Charlotte MLWiNS: Democratizing AI through Multi-Hop Federated Learning Over-the-Air NSF DUE#2003198 |
University of South Florida IUSE: Collaborative Project: Engaged Student Learning: Design and Development, Level I: Broadening the Path to the STEM Profession Through Cybersecurity Learning NSF DUE#1620868 |
University of Washington – Tacoma Promoting Early Retention of STEM Students: Achieving Change in our Communities through Equity and Student Success in STEM NSF DUE#2130239 |
West Virginia University Institute of Technology Supporting Undergraduate Scholar Cohorts to Prepare Career-Ready Engineering and Science Graduates NSF DUE#2030707 |